Saturday, May 9, 2009

Almost Done

I finished most of my school work and I just got done with my justification letter for my American Lit. class! My scrapbook came out awesome, as it should because I spent over 30 hours with research, cutting, gluing, and writing in calligraphy.

Anyways, now I just I have a research paper for art history I have to finish because it wasn't acceptable to hand in last Monday. . . No where on my term paper guide did it say it was a research paper or that it needed four sources so ya I'm a little pissed about it! And I have to study for that class. . .Ugh I can't wait until Tuesday, freedom! Well until May 18th at least!!

Also, for fun I played around with Bandits picture and here's what I got:


  1. First, the scrap book looks great.
    Second, what classes are you taking on May 18th?

  2. Thanks, I'm only taking one class for summer 1- Women as Authors. For Summer 2--a math class that I'm taking online and Summer 3--Bio(ewww)!
