Sunday, March 15, 2009

Radio Madness

Some bad news for me:
K ROCK 92.3 has been murdered!! The culprit--now FM radio. I'm flabbergasted (always wanted to use that!) and horrified that the one station I have been relying on to give me rock music and non hit music is now gone!! If it wasn't bad enough that they took away my beloved g rock radio (106.3) I don't know what to think anymore. What will I listen to on my way to American Lit. every Wednesday morning???? This is ludicrous...

Anyway, on the good side of this past week: I occupied my time with two young adult fiction! I started with a sequel to the ongoing House of Night series by the mother-daughter duo P.C. and Kristen Cast. Hunted is the fifth book in the series and is now my favorite of them all. The series is seen through the character of Zoey Redbird. We are first introduced to Zoey as a normal highschool girl, of course that changes when she is marked by the vampire society as a vampire in training (aka fledgling). She is sent to the House of Night vampire school where she meets her soon to be loyal friends, her worst enemies, and her many companions of the night(lol)! She is no ordinary fledgling, she has been marked like the rest in her class but she was blessed by the vampire goddess, Nix, shown through intricate tattoos that cover her body. She develops the ability to summon all the elements and has been chosen, betrayed, untamed, and now hunted! (yes, those are the titles of the books in the series). They go in this order: Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted. I thought Hunted was going to be the last in the series but I was wrong (as per usual) there is another installment due in October *sigh* (do I have to wait that long)?

The other book I read was Eternal by Cynthia L. Smith.
This tale takes place in the same world created by the author in her first book, Tantalize. It just shows a different world besides were wolves, it delves into the world of vampires and angels. The story is told through Miranda and Zachary, Miranda starts out as a shy teenager normal to being rejected but her destiny is thrown off by her guardian angel (who she doesn't know exists). The worst part-it's all Zach's fault for her becoming eternally damned! This hurts his reputation and he becomes a somewhat fallen angel (not completely fallen, more like he slipped). He is still immortal but doesn't have any powers/wings. Zachary is determined to get his wings back while Miranda is living as a vampire princess under the rule of.....wait for it.........Dracula. But get this, its not the original dracula-he is just an heir of him. This book had a lot of potential but it failed for me especially during the middle. The end saved it from ruin and left me in a good mood so I will give Blessed (whats supposed to be a mix of Tantalize and Eternal) a chance when it comes out.

Here is something Intriguing:

SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alright, that may not be as intriguing to you as it is for me but whatever!
Also, Twilight the movie comes out Saturday the 21st--I wasn't that excited until I kept seeing the commercials for I'm kind of hyped for its release. But, I REFUSE to go to one of those midnight parties for it, the last time I went to a midnight party was for the fourth book which ended up being horrible and disappointing...

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