Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Luck of the Italrish

On an interesting note---Happy St. Patrick's Day!! (for those who follow it) I personally love this day because it's a day filled with my favorite color! My love for green has been obsessive since I was little and continues to this moment. Also, next to my dominant Italian side is my Irish heritage (probably where my really light skin comes from). Most people over look the real reason for this holiday day, which is to commemorate St. Paddy, and go straight to the drinking! But, he actually has a really interesting background if interested go here!!!

--------Some uncool news-------
While this is my spring break and I expected to have some homework, I didn't think I would have three essays, a project, two reading assignments, and two quizzes!! What is that about? apparently my professors don't believe in breaks!!

O joy--good stuff!!
Parents-they grow up so fast : ) My mom is going to attend Brookdale. . . so this morning I took her there to get her I.D. card and gave her a tiny tour. Some people get freaked when their parents are going to the same school as them but I thinks its to be pretty cool that my mom is going back to school!

Random fun stuff! **For an awesome clip of Family Guy (When Peter finds his real father) click

1 comment:

  1. I think it's so sweet that you took Mom took Brookdale. Now, just to make sure she starts going!
