Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sniketies at Swing Time

It was beautiful out yesterday, so I decided to go out with my friend Natalie to have some good ol' fun at the park!! We walked, talked about sniketies (a new name for snacks, lol), went swinging, and wanted to be kids again!!! Of course we realized that our lacking in the height department can make us pass as twelve year olds (sweet)! After the awesome afternoon of frolicing we went out for some sushi and green tea ice cream (delish). By the end of the night we were watching America's Next Top Model and the re-run of the new Beverly Hills 90210. All in all a pretty cool day if I can say so myself!

Some things to take a gander at (today's specials):
  • The person (or people) that scan sanwhiches and blog about them---If you ever need a reminder of what a ham and cheese sub looks like you should go to the scanwiches One of yesterdays specials---hot pastrami, mustard, and provolone.
  • Video for the day! and the winner is an adorable commercial for the samsung ultra touch with super cute animals!!
  • Picture that canz gets out of me mind--
Another note of randomness! My brother is making vinyl outlines of stuff---so he surprised me by making an outline of Domo and put it on my bedroom mirror, take a look (I plan on getting another one for my car) here is some more of my love of Domo:
these are my two Domo stuffed animals Domo Dracula and Domo Frankenstein!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. It makes me happy!

    Also, the scanmichs are great.

    Keep blogging on, baby sister. (I'll get back on the blog horse in a month or so.)
